National Beauty Therapist Day is on June 26th. This is the perfect time to celebrate your team and let them know how much you value them. A great salon is only a sum of its parts – and the most essential part is your team.
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Recognise any successes and celebrate any milestones your team has achieved. Set reachable goals and always reward any individual that shines. Praise and recognition go a long way – what better day to thank your team than National Beauty Therapist Day? Recognising and rewarding their worth will motivate them to keep up the good work. Sing their praises on social media. This will create healthy competition between employees. Team spirit will lead to a happy salon environment.
Team Building & Salon Culture
Think about some fun team building exercises. Boost morale and have some fun on National Beauty Therapist Day – and beyond! Consider starting a team sport, a group meditation or a monthly staff lunch. A yoga lesson once a week after hours might be popular – or ask about your staff’s hobbies. Would they like a monthly team building dinner or activity? Perhaps they’d appreciate a designated staff area where they can relax between treatments. This will also mean they connect better and give them a sense of belonging.
Speak to Individual Beauty Therapists
Make time to speak with each member of your team one-on-one. This will give them the space to discuss their future and possible training. Training will benefit your employee and your salon. Set goals together – on both an individual and a team level. Keeping them involved in business decisions makes them feel valued and motivated. So create a future plan of action, then they can share their ideas and set goals. This will lead to great service for your clients.
To reward your team, find out exactly what motivates them. When employees aren’t motivated they won’t deliver a top-notch service. Don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. Different personalities are motivated by different things. Cash incentivises some people while others would prefer more training. Everyone’s different, so keep the one-on-one dialogue happening at all times. Keeping your team motivated increases client retention thanks to excellent service. You will have a business that inspires trust.
Recognise and reward your team this National Beauty Therapist Day. By celebrating and acknowledging their worth, you will create a positive and dedicated salon environment. This will reflect in the level of service you offer.