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Taking on new employees isn’t always an option, and with many SkinBase clients happy to work alone or with a small team, the best thing to do is focus on how we can get clients spending more when they come through your door to improve your profits.
Introduce Retail Products
If you don’t already offer retail products to your clients, it may be worthwhile introducing some in order to boost profits. When you choose to provide your clients with a little more than the standard salon services, you create additional income that’s essential to the success of your business. After all, a well-equipped stock of retail products is very beneficial in increasing the revenue of your salon.
If you do decide to stock a range of retail products, it’s vital that it consists of products that meet client demands. Conducting product research can go a long way. Ask existing clients what type of products they’re looking for and listen to what they have to say, using their feedback to inspire you in choosing the products you sell. Consider recommending a treatment plan with products that will help clients to get the best results – always look at ways to add value.
Upsell Your Services
If you have a group of regular clients who always go for the standard treatments, upsell your services and offer them luxury options instead. If you don’t currently provide certain therapies as a luxury package, consider tweaking your services to do so. It can go a long way in upping your profits.
Consider offering your clients a switch up to ‘new and improved’ treatments at an introductory price. Examples include:
- Swap a leg wax for IPL Hair Reduction
- Swapping an eyebrow tint for Microblading
- Upsell a facial for a Microdermabrasion Facial.
Introductory Offers
It can become common for many clients to stick to what they know and come to you time and time again for the same treatment. While this is great, it can cause things to become stale. You can use this opportunity to offer new treatments to existing clients by offering them at an introductory price.
This will give your clients a taster of the other services that you offer. They may not even know they need or want them! Advertising these offers to your existing clients can be done through social media, text message or face-to-face conversations when they’re next at the salon.
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Request a Callback
SkinBase™ is the UK’s leading provider of professional beauty machines. Over 2,000 accredited salons and spas in the UK & Ireland can’t be wrong! Our team of professionals are looking forward to speaking with you.
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