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Collagen Lift vs Face Lift

Collagen Lift vs Face Lift

If your clients want to achieve tighter, firmer and contoured skin, there are many options for them to choose. If they are deciding between the SkinBase Collagen Lift (CL) treatment and a surgical facelift, you can help. Let’s look at Collagen vs Face Lift to see which is the best option for your clients.

Collagen Lift

The SkinBase Collagen Lift treatment achieves firm, youthful-looking skin with radio frequency technology. If you already have the Collagen Lift machine you know the ceramic wand delivers waves of radio frequency energy into the skin which realigns fibres. You can explain to clients that this process heats the deeper layers of skin, stimulating natural responses in the body. Also emphasise Collagen Lift treatments take as little as 30 minutes. If you do not already offer Collagen Lift to your clients, find out more here.

Concerns You Can Treat: 

  • Acne scarring
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sagging skin
  • Cellulite
  • Uneven skin texture
  • Stretchmarks

Face Lift 

A Face Lift is performed by a surgeon and usually done under anaesthetic. Generally, the surgeon will incise at the temples and under the chin, and remove surplus skin. The remaining skin will be pulled backwards and upwards and stitched into place. They may add or redistribute facial fat and tissue to create a more youthful appearance. The face is then bandaged, and an overnight hospital stay is usually required. The process typically takes between 2 and 3 hours.

Concerns it Treats 

  • Sagging cheeks and neck
  • Excess skin at the jawline
  • Deepening of folds of skin at the side of the nose
  • Excess fat in the neck

Collagen Lift vs Face Lift

For some clients, Collagen Lift may be the best option when seeking youthful skin. The CL treatment turns back the clock on ageing as it stimulates collagen and elastin production in the body. Explain the CL process is non-invasive; therefore, it is not painful and feels similar to a hot stone massage. As it is a surgical procedure, a facelift is invasive and can cause painful bruising and swelling of the skin. If pain tolerance is a vital consideration for those deciding between the two, they would be better off with a course of Collagen Lift.


A Collagen Lift treatment has no downtime and is you can perform it as quickly as a lunchtime facial. The best results come from a course of Collagen Lift and monthly maintenance sessions. Check out the before and after images from the SkinBase Transformation of the year competition here. Therefore, it requires an investment of time. Facelifts, on the other hand, do not require maintenance sessions. A month of downtime and follow up appointments are required though as progress is monitored. Therefore, for clients prioritising time commitments when making a decision, a facelift may be inconvenient.

Potential Risks?

For other clients, a Face Lift may be the best option to rejuvenate skin. Face Lift clients may see results for longer, which correlates with the significantly higher cost of having treatment compared to a course of Collagen Lift. However, the high expense does not guarantee any expected results. The nature of a Face Lift means that long-term or permanent complications can arise, causing changes in your appearance. For example, skin loss, hair loss, scarring and infections are potential risks of a Face Lift.

Natural Transformation?

Collagen Lift is a progressive treatment. A course of treatment will enhance your client’s natural beauty for subtle rejuvenation. The skin will get tighter and firmer after the very first treatment and will continue to improve with subsequent treatments. Progressive treatments are limited, so therapists must manage client expectations. Individual clients respond differently to the treatment. Importantly, the only potential side effects of CL are mild redness and tight skin, which can be easily remedied with moisturiser and hydration.

Successful facelifts offers consistent, instantaneous results. The surgeon will pull and stitch the skin into position during the treatment, thereby causing a more drastic change in appearance. If instantaneous results are what the client would prefer, a Face Lift may be preferable to a course of Collagen Lift.


It is clear there are advantages to both rejuvenating treatments, and which is the best for your client depends on a variety of factors. For example: their expectations, pain tolerance, the cost, subtlety of results or potential complications. For some people, one treatment may seem like a better fit than the other. How ever they decide which is most appropriate for them, you can ensure they have made an informed decision.

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