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Salon resolutions

How to Make Salon New Year’s Resolutions 

The New Year is all about new beginnings. New Year’s Resolutions are a great way to encourage achievable change in your salon. Aim for the best possible results in the new year by carving out your salon resolutions for 2023. 

Salon Resolutions

When you make your salon resolutions be careful. Make them realistic and achievable… otherwise they will slip through the net and you won’t stick to them. Don’t make too many for starters – and focus on achievable goals. Focusing your energy on realistic resolutions will set you up for success. Make a clear plan and pave the way for new business opportunities. 

Make Notes

Start by writing down your key business goals.  Categorise the list in order of importance. Are these salon resolutions attainable? Imagine your salon if you made these changes! Keep your top three. Focus all your energy onto those three. This means you are more likely to stick to them. If you choose too many it will feel insurmountable. Make everything bite-sized and watch it all fall into place. 

SMART Targets

Smart is an acronym for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely. Think about these elements in relation to your resolutions. Think about the next steps – what do you actually have to do to achieve them? Having a SMART goal helps to focus your efforts and increase the chances of sticking to your salon resolutions. 

Make it Visible

Create a vision board or list to keep your resolutions top-of-mind throughout the day. Share your vision for the new year with your staff members.  Invite them to add ideas or thoughts to your goals. Reward staff members who make the resolutions a reality. You are there to support each other. Only you – and your team – can make your resolutions materialise. 

Create Good Habits

To achieve your end goal make the resolutions part of everyday life. Visualise your salon with the resolutions fully accomplished. Make sure your team understands what changes you expect and lead by example. Plan for success and stick to it. 

Make Time for Yourself 

Remember yourself in the midst of your salon resolutions. If you reach burnout none of it will happen. Take the opportunity to make your own personal New Year’s resolutions at the same time. Then you will be able to give your best to your business – and make 2023 your best year yet.

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