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Reopening after lockdown

Fantastic news that salons in England and Wales can reopen from Monday. We know everyone has different feelings about reopening, some people are excited some are feeling some trepidation and that’s ok and perfectly normal (whatever that is these days) we think. Doors have been shut for a long time and it can feel daunting to open up again. Here are a few pointers to remember.

  • You don’t have to open on Monday, or even next week if you don’t want to!
  • You absolutely can limit the days and hours you work
  • You don’t have to do treatments you don’t enjoy carrying out
  • You don’t have to accomodate your clients if they can’t fit in with your working hours
  • You can choose to close early if you want to
  • You can take time out for family when you want
  • You can work every hour and every day if you want to
  • You can put prices up because of extra costs
  • You can put prices up because you are not earning enough to make a good living
  • You don’t have to please everyone

Prioritise Yourself

Can you see what we are getting at? It’s your business and you can run it exactly how you want to. If time in lockdown has taught us anything it’s that dedicating every spare minute to your clients isn’t necessarily a healthy thing for you. Prioritise yourself, your family and your health and wellbeing.

Work Smart

That doesn’t mean your business has to suffer, work smart, make sure your prices are an accurate reflection of what you need to pay yourself a decent wage and cover our overheads, even if that means losing a few clients, although with your talents and skills we very much doubt it.

Good Luck! Enjoy, don’t forget to stop for some lunch and make sure your business is working for you.

All the best from the team here at SkinBase

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