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IPL Hair Reduction

SkinBase IPL Hair Reduction Marketing

It is September – and right now is the perfect time of year to get promoting those IPL Hair Reduction courses. Post summer is the best time to start prepping for next summer – so let your clients know!   

IPL Hair Reduction 

Unwanted hair is frustrating, and what’s worse is spending lots of time and lots of money getting rid of it. Clients who spent their summer undergoing painful, time consuming methods of hair removal will be full of regrets as the season changes. Now is the best time to let them know exactly how IPL Hair Reduction will benefit them in the coming months.   

Autumn IPL

If your clients invest in a course of IPL hair reduction right now instead of waiting, sun exposure is less of a concern. Clients can cover and protect the skin, and you can worry less about your clients sticking to aftercare advice. Best of all – you can have them hairfree by summer 2024! Clients will save time they would have spent shaving or waxing, and they can achieve substantial, long lasting results.   

IPL Benefits 

Emphasis the benefits of IPL when explaining to clients why now is the best time of year for it. Some things to mention:  
  • The non-invasive nature of the SkinBase IPL treatment – no down time is necessary!
  • The flexibility of SkinBase IPL settings – allowing the treatment to be fine tuned to each individual client
  • The cryo-cooling handset – allowing comfortable, pain free treatments
  • The IPL system is advanced and suitable for use on almost all skin types

IPL Marketing Top Tips 

Here are a few top tips to kick start your marketing. 
  • If you are an IPL payg client with us, when booking in clients stagger their booking so they are spread evenly throughout the month. Fill your weeks and make the most of your payg plan.
  • Use the SkinBase Knowledge Base to access IPL marketing resources, before and after images, technical information and anything else you may need to enhance your partnership with us

IPL Advanced

It is not just IPL Hair Reduction sessions that are popular after a long, hot summer. With the SkinBase IPL Advanced treatments, you can repair damaged summer skin or post-summer concerns with IPL for acne, vascular lesions, or photorejuvenation. 

Become a Therapist

If you aren’t offering IPL Hair Reduction, what are you waiting for? Get in touch today. If you are already a SkinBase IPL therapist, get in touch about moving onto IPL Advanced if you are ready.

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