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The Value of Reassurance

What do you look for when you visit a restaurant? Is it the clean surroundings, or the shiny cutlery? Is it the quality of the food, or the standard of the waiting staff and the welcome you receive? In essence, it seems that whenever we walk into somewhere new, we look for whatever helps to reassure us of the quality that we are going to receive. 

Well, you can apply that same logic to your beauty salon…

Reassurance is what lets your clients know that they are in for a high quality, safe, and hygienic experience. In the beauty industry, that means clean spaces, clean equipment, sanitised workstations, and high-quality products. It also means a top-level experience – meaning that you need to provide as much assurance of your experience as of the quality of your workspace. And of course, in the current state of the world, that cleanliness and hygiene mean a whole lot more. So, what can you do?

Providing Reassurance in A Post-Pandemic World

As the pandemic continues and businesses look for new ways to ensure that they will be able to safely open once the national lockdown has been eased, it’s more important than ever to invest time and money in practices that reassure your clients and let them know how important their safety is to you.

One of the best examples of this we have seen is visuals and videos, shared by beauty salons, which show clients and followers exactly how they are disinfecting and cleaning their spaces before and after every treatment.

Make it Visible

When we do reopen, make sure some of your measures to ensure safety are visible to clients. For example, you more than likely clean your room or work area as soon as your client leaves, but it doesn’t hurt to engage in a few extra measures in front of your next client. Give their chair or your work area another wipe down, wash your hands and apply hand sanitiser in front of them. This demonstrates to the client that you are not getting complacent about safety measures.

Get Your Processes in Place

Another thing you can do is start sharing your protective measures as soon as possible, so that when your business can reopen you are ready to start welcoming customers back straight away. Get your processes in place, and then create documents, guides and posts which let your followers know exactly what you will be doing to keep them safe. 

And finally, focus on the value of beauty and self-care, to continue to engage your clients, to showcase your expertise, and to drive them towards making bookings once your business reopens. Sharing a combination of inspirational visuals and reassuring health and safety-related posts is one of the best and easiest ways to keep your business active during the pandemic and will give your customers a business personality that they can trust – both now and far into the future. 

As we move into a new normal where cleanliness and a reassurance of hygiene are more important than ever, customers will be looking for experiences which allow them to relax – and that’s where you come in. Face the difficult logistical stuff now so that when you can, you’re ready to reopen stronger and more prepared than ever!

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