November 2nd is Stress Awareness Day. If you own or work in a beauty business it is important to manage stress. Tons of work leads to tons of stress. Owners need to manage their own stress – and also that of their team. Here are a few top tips to destress your salon.
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Destress Your Salon
Prevent Burnout
When you’re busy running around it is easy to neglect your own health. Prevent burnout and illness by recognising causes of stress. Notice high workload, conflict and long working hours. Make sure jobs feel secure and make changes to help manage these natural stressors. Healthy habits like exercise and a balanced diet will lead to better sleep and higher energy levels. Make sure you – and your team – have time to focus on your own health. Destigmatise talking about stress by encouraging healthy habits and model your own.
Create a Culture of Communication
A problem shared is a problem halved. Aim for good communication between all staff regardless of their level within the business. Make sure junior staff feel listened to and valued. Treat everyone equally and reward hard workers.
Create a Positive Culture
Good open communication is the first step towards creating a positive culture. Encourage a few key lifestyle choices like:
- Training and development
- Teamwork
- Fair pay and good working conditions
- A healthy work/life balance
Create a Good Break Space
A haven for employees to escape and relax during the day is essential. Make sure it is a tidy, organised space too. It is important to make sure they always take their lunch break. It is all too easy to skip breaks to squeeze in a new client – but that makes burnout more likely. Encourage walks and fresh air during their break times. Offer a yoga class before the salon opens or after it closes as a stress management technique. Find out which activities your team would prefer to get involved in.
Don’t Forget Rewards!
Your salon is nothing without your team. Offer a variety of rewards so your team feels valued. It could be a complimentary treatment for the hardest worker of the week, or a bonus at the end of the year. Big or small – always have things for you and your team to look forward to… this will help to destress your salon in the long run.