February 1st is Time to Talk Day. It’s an awareness day for us all to start a conversation about mental health. This is the perfect time to consider what you do to support salon staff with mental health – and yourself! We all know the beauty industry can be very demanding for employees. Long hours and stressful day are the norm – so focusing on wellbeing is very important. As an added bonus, a positive and supportive workplace improves productivity, motivation and loyalty. Supporting your staff with their mental health is win-win for them – and for you.
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Tips for Improving Mental Health
1. Communication
Create an environment with open communication at its heart to support salon staff with mental health. Poor communication is one of the key contributors to poor mental wellbeing. Normalise talking – about worries and feelings – as well as day-to-day topics and decision-making. Don’t just leave it at that – take employees feelings and thoughts on board. Try to organise individual time with each employee. Take them for lunch or a post-work drink (for a relaxed but in-depth chat).
Want to know more about communication? Here are two blogs (blog 1, blog 2) about communicating properly with clients.
2. Zero Bullying
Adopt a clear, zero-tolerance policy for bullying or harassment. This can also be a key factor that contributes to poor mental health in the workplace. Apply this to salon staff and customers by addressing any issues that arise as soon as possible. This reduces the chances of employees feeling anxious or uncomfortable.
3. Promote Wellbeing
Encourage positive wellbeing to support salon staff with mental health. Aim for flexibility, encourage teamwork, and provide continuous opportunities for development and learning. Your team will feel valued and become more willing to give back. Consider offering team massages or a yoga class before (or after) work hours. This will create team spirit and keep your employees healthy to boot.
4. Flexibility
Your employees need to maintain a good work/life balance to avoid burnout and poor mental health. Make sure staff take their breaks during the day – and their holidays throughout the year. This will help them during the busy periods when they are more likely to feel stressed. Try to be flexible with staff hours so they can manage their work/life balance.
6. Teamwork
A team environment can go a long way when it comes to positive wellbeing at work. Integrated teams are more likely to communicate well. Work through problems by offering help and support, and have less conflict to support salon staff with mental health.
7. Learning and Development
Provide opportunities for your employees to develop their skills further. Celebrate their achievements and make them feel valued at work. Organise training throughout the year and have awards at the end of the year to celebrate their successes.
Support Salon Staff with Mental Health
Support salon staff with mental health this February by keeping an open dialogue and creating a happy team. Your salon will benefit – and so will your employees.